Mr. Sumanth Makam Reveals What To Expect, Tips,Tricks And More about UPSC!



Upcoming UPSC Exams are making everyone nervous, from students trying to get into their dream school to job seekers looking to get that next step in their career. 

The stress of preparing for these exams can be overwhelming, but if you keep your cool, take a step back, and follow the exam prep tips given by Mr. Sumanth Makam of the National IAS Academy, you'll be just fine. 

National IAS Academy is a renowned and the best UPSC coaching center in Bangalore. Mr. Sumanth Makam says," Upsc is a national level exam for those interested in becoming a police officer. If you're looking to get into a field of law enforcement where you can help people and keep them safe, this exam is for you! "Keep reading to learn more about the exam and how you can prepare.


What is the UPSC Exam?

The UPSC exam is a national-level test that will assess your knowledge of laws, human anatomy and physiology, criminal law, and various policing procedures and practices. It's a 250-question exam that usually takes two to three hours to complete.


How to Prepare for the UPSC Exam?


As with any exam, preparation is key, says Mr. Sumanth Makam. Preparation replaces the darkness of stress and anxiety with the light of confidence and knowledge, making it easier to find and reach the destination of success. Having the weapon called “Preparation” is essential to winning the UPSC battle! According to Mr. Sumanth Makam, preparation is a crucial step to success. Once you have taken this step, you are almost halfway through the journey and have already reached closer to the destination of success! To give yourself the best shot at passing this tricky test, follow these tips:

-Knowledge is power, so make sure you do your homework. Read up on the topics that interest you before the exam and even practice what you've learned.

-Take advantage of resources like online courses or tutors who can help you study for the exams. National IAS Academy in Bangalore can help you prepare for the exam with easy-to-understand study materials, regular doubt clearing sessions, and mock tests.

-Arrive prepared, like a boss. Bring plenty of study materials to use during your breaks, and know where everything in your bag is kept.

-Try not to be too ambitious when preparing for the test; make sure to take things one step at a time. If you get too stressed out from studying all at once, this will only set back your progress tremendously because it's difficult for anyone to keep focus for an extended period without breaks.


UPSC Exam: What to Expect?

This exam is challenging. It's challenging because it's not just a test of your knowledge but also your skills in different areas, like writing and reading comprehension. But don't worry! Mr. Sumanth Makam has shared some exam tips to make the challenging UPSC journey smooth for you and help you easily reach your goal of success. These tips are like a roadmap that can guide you throughout the journey to make your UPSC journey a smooth journey to the destination of success.


UPSC Exam: Tips and Tricks

The following are tips and tricks to prepare for the UPSC exam.

Timing: Timing is everything, especially when it comes to studying. Make sure you set aside time each day to study and use that time wisely. If you're not in a good mood or don't feel like studying, take a break and do something else!

Gather your materials: One of the best ways to prepare for an exam is by gathering all of your material beforehand. You will need a pencil, paper, calculator, and other necessary items for the examination. Make sure you have these items with you before beginning your exam to start the exam on time.

Study smart: There are multiple ways to study for this particular test, and these vary depending on what type of learner you are. Some people prefer listening over reading, while others may want to read more than listen. However, make sure that whatever method you choose aligns with your learning style, says Mr. Sumanth Makam.


Stay calm: This is important because if you get nervous during the exam, it will only negatively affect your performance instead of giving positive results. Stay focused! Yoga and meditation can be helpful. 


UPSC Exam: Final Words

If you're planning on taking the UPSC exam, don't be afraid of the exam. It is challenging but not impossible,as there are a lot of tricks you can use to help prepare for it. Make sure to study for the exams by reviewing your studying material every day. Remember that if you stick with your studying and review what you learned every day, you will be prepared when it comes time for the test!

Mr. Sumanth Makam concludes," Preparation is the path to success. And our UPSC coaching institute in Bangalore helps you walk that path and reach the destination of success by guiding you and being by your side throughout your UPSC journey!