What is Sattvic Diet?

Sattvic Food

The food eaten by an individual influences their thought processes and nature. The Chhandogya Upanishad also emphasises on satvik foods since eating these foods purifies the mind and consciousness. Even in Bhagvad Gita, there is a mention of importance of diet. In one context, Krishna explains Arjuna – The food preference is mainly of three types.

Diet & Gunas

The three Gunas are groupings of different qualities of energy in prakriti (physical matter). The three Gunas are Sattva, Rajas and Tamas Gunas. They reflect our health, behaviour, thinking and diet.

Sattvic symbolises purity, health, harmony and well being.

Rajasic refers to stress, anger, activity and restlessness.

Tamasic means dullness, laziness and lethargy.

These foods mainly consists of spices and rich in taste such as onion and garlic, deep fried foods, coffee, tea, refined food items, sugary, foods and chocolates, etc. They give instant energy for a brief period of time also helps in reducing our stress.

A tamasic diet mainly consists of reheated foods, chemically processed foods, such as eggs, mest, alcohol, etc. A tamasic person is generally dull, unimaginative, unmotivated, careless and lethargic.

A Sattvik diet is a pure vegetarian diet which includes seasonal fruits, fresh vegetables, whole grains, pulses, sprouts, fresh herbs, milk and dairy products. These foods helps in raising our consciousness levels. They are cooked and eaten with love, gratitude and awareness. A Sattvik person is calm, peaceful, serene, amicable, full of energy, aspirations, hope, creativity and balanced personality.

Foods we eat will impact on our physical, mental, emotional and spiritual levels. It plays a pivotal role to progress towards the realisation of a spiritual path.




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