What you should know about the NASH diet





Nonalcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH) is a nonalcoholic fatty liver condition that worsens over time (NAFLD).


Dietary changes can help slow the progression of NASH and protect the liver from permanent damage.


According to Dr. Sandeep Nayak, Bengalore's excellent oncologist, specific foods, such as processed foods and animal products, will be limited or eliminated from a NASH-friendly diet.


NASH indicates that a person's liver has too much fat and inflammation, leading to scarring or fibrosis.


The accumulation of scar tissue in the liver can impair its function, and if left untreated, this scarring can lead to cirrhosis and liver failure.


A NASH-friendly liver diet may help prevent or slow the progression of the disease.


Fatty liver diet


A healthy NASH diet focuses on incorporating various nutritious foods into the diet.


At first, the program may appear to be restricted, and it may necessitate considerable modifications in some people's everyday eating habits. On the other hand, a nutritious NASH diet allows for a wide variety of foods.




"Vegetables are necessary for good health. Regularly eating various vegetables ensures that the body receives adequate nutrients and vitamins," says Dr. Sandeep Nayak, Bengalore's expert oncologist.


Platforms such as Practo and Clinicspots list Dr. Sandeep Nayak among the top oncologists in Bangalore. 


Depending on their sex and age, adults should consume 2–4 cups of vegetables per day, adds the expert.




Fruits can be included in a NASH diet if consumed in moderation. Whole fruits are a good snack or dessert because they provide many nutrients and vitamins to the body.


Healthy fats


Fats will still be present in a healthy diet, but saturated and trans fats will be replaced with more nutritious, unsaturated fats.


Whole grains


Whole grain options may offer fiber and nutrient-dense alternatives to processed, refined grains.


Whole grains or alternatives to whole grains include:

  • Wheat 

  • Oatmeal 

  • Quinoa

  • Corn

  • Rice (brown)

  • Barley 

  • Buckwheat


Diet programs



"Only a few diets adhere to many of the principles of healthy eating. However, some eating plans may be easier to adapt with minor changes than creating a new one," says Dr. Sandeep Nayak, Bengalore's outstanding oncologist.

Low carbohydrate diets that limit added sugars and refined carbs are examples of diets that may pursue a similar nutritional eating habit as a NASH diet.


Low-fat diets that limit trans and saturated fats may also be appropriate.


Foods to avoid


A NASH diet will also focus on changing the diet by eliminating or restricting certain foods, such as those listed below.


Foods high in sugar


High sugar foods can be a significant source of calories with little nutritional value for many people.


The following are some sugary foods to limit or avoid:

  • Soda, fruit juice, and fruit cocktails are sugar-sweetened beverages.

  • Jams and jellies with sugar added

  • Added sugars in baked goods or packaged foods

  • Sweets and other candies

  • An ice cream cone

  • Condiments and sauces with added sugars


Refined or processed carbohydrates


After digestion, processed carbohydrates may cause similar increases in sugars in the body.


If you have NASH, you should limit or avoid refined or processed carbohydrates like:

  • White rice and white bread

  • Foods with a lot of starch

  • Fried foods like French fries, potato chips, and onion rings


Fatty foods


Doctors may also recommend eliminating foods high in saturated fats, trans fats, or hydrogenated oils.


There are several dietary sources of these fats to avoid, and doctors may advise you to eliminate or drastically reduce them, including:

  • Deli meats, such as potted meat, cold cuts, and packaged sausages Fatty red meats, such as beef, lamb, and pork

  • Cakes, cookies, and baked goods

  • Packaged foods having saturated fats and hydrogenated oils

  • Yogurt, ice cream, and full-fat dairy


Other dietary modifications


Depending on the person's risk factors, doctors may also advise limiting or adding other foods. This could include the following:

  • eliminating dietary supplements that may affect the liver

  • limiting sodium intake

  • eliminating alcohol intake

  • adding a variety of spices to the diet

  • adding coffee to the diet

  • adding green tea to the diet


Changes in your way of life


A NASH diet is one of several beneficial changes to help protect and reduce liver damage. Other lifestyle changes that doctors will recommend for a healthy body include:


Aerobic exercise regularly


Active exercise that raises the heart rate is suitable for your overall health and can help you burn calories and keep your weight in check.


According to Dr. Sandeep Nayak, whose among the best oncologist in Bangalore, One fifty minutes of heart-rate-raising activity per week may be sufficient for most people. This consists of 30 minutes of exercises per day, such as:

  • brisk strolling

  • gardening

  • lifting weights

  • jogging

  • martial arts 

  • swimming


Maintaining a healthy body weight.


Maintaining a healthy weight is critical in the treatment of NAFLD and NASH.


Reduced inflammation and scarring from NASH may also be helped by losing 7–10% of a person's total body weight.




Dietary changes can help prevent long-term liver damage and slow the progression of nonalcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH), a type of nonalcoholic fatty liver condition that is progressive (NAFLD).


Fat accumulation and inflammation in the liver are typical in people with NASH, leading to scarring and fibrosis in the organ.


People with NASH should increase their fruits, vegetables, and grains intake.


Sugary foods, fatty foods, and refined carbohydrates should be avoided or limited to help slow the progression of the disease.


NASH patients should also engage in regular exercise and maintain a healthy weight.