Easy Ways to Get Delayed Periods Immediately

Many women face the problem of delayed periods. There are various reasons why women don't get periods on time. And when the delayed periods come, they can be painful and disturbing. If your periods are delayed, you should definately go to your doctor. But to get the periods immediately, we can suggest you some ways. There are various food remedies which can help you get your periods.
1. Ginger
Ginger tea is very good to induce periods. But you will have to drink in an adequate amount as drinking it a lot can cause acidity. Ginger tea generates heat and stimulates the mensural flow.
2. Papaya
This is the best remedy. Eat papaya twice a day in your meals and you will get the results. It induces contraction in the uterus. Papaya juice can be even more effective.
3. Turmeric
You can consume turmeric in various ways. The best way is to have it with a cup of warm milk. It can prepone your periods by around 5 to 10 days.
4. Dates
They produce heat in the body. You will have to eat adequate amount of dates regularly to get results.
5. Vitamin C
It elevates the estrogen level and lowers the progesterone level. This leads to the lining of the uterus to break leading to periods.