What Is The Distinction Between PCOD and PCOS?



Polycystic Ovarian Disease (PCOD) and Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) are two of the most common problems affecting women's ovaries and hormone function.


"While PCOD and PCOS are frequently used interchangeably, there are important distinctions to be made. "While women have two ovaries that produce eggs every month, they also produce female and male hormones (in small amounts)," explains Dr. Hrishikesh Pai, a renowned gynecologist in Mumbai.


What exactly is PCOD?


PCOD is a medical condition in which the ovaries release eggs prematurely, resulting in cysts over time, according to Dr. Hrishikesh Pai, an expert gynecologist from Mumbai. Period irregularities, weight gain, male pattern hair loss, and abdominal pain are symptoms of this condition.


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He says that as the ovaries grow larger, they release more male hormones into the body. This happens due to unhealthy lifestyle habits, junk food consumption, and being overweight.


What exactly is PCOS?


PCOS is an endocrine system metabolic disorder. This condition causes a lot of cysts to form in the ovary. High levels of male hormones are produced in this condition, which causes ovulation irregularities, explains Dr. Hrishikesh Pai, Mumbai's best gynecologist.


The following are the differences between the two conditions:


The seriousness of the illnesses


PCOS is a severe condition, although it is not considered a disease. PCOD can be managed and nearly cured with a healthy diet and exercise routine, whereas PCOS requires medical attention because it is a metabolic disorder.


PCOD affects roughly one-third of women worldwide, making it a relatively common condition.


PCOS is a medical condition that affects a smaller percentage of women than PCOD.


PCOS is an endocrine system disorder, whereas PCOD is a hormonal imbalance-related medical condition.


An endocrine system disorder can result in the overproduction or underproduction of a hormone, resulting in hormonal imbalance.


Hormonal imbalance is a symptom, not a disease in and of itself. As a result, PCOS is a disorder, and PCOD is a symptom.



Pregnancy and health problems


"Because PCOD is not a severe disease, it does not affect women's fertility." "Women with PCOD are generally fertile and have no difficulty conceiving," says Dr. Hrishikesh Pai, a brilliant gynecologist in Mumbai.


On the other hand, PCOS makes it difficult to conceive in the first place. PCOS makes it difficult for women to conceive because their ovaries cannot produce eggs regularly due to hormonal irregularities.


These women are also more likely to have problems with their pregnancies and have miscarriages.


Pregnancy is also free of complications for such women, and they may only require a little assistance to make their conception and pregnancy go more smoothly.


Pregnancy is inextricably linked to ovulation, disrupted when a woman has PCOS.


"Women with PCOS lose their ability to ovulate regularly because of the excessive release of male hormones," says Dr. Hrishikesh Pai, a renowned gynecologist from Mumbai.


As a result, their chances of conceiving are reduced. Women with PCOD, on the other hand, can still ovulate and become pregnant.


Although obesity and unhealthy habits can cause PCOD, it does not result in the same health complications as PCOS.


PCOS can cause not only infertility and pregnancy complications, but it can also lead to other health issues. PCOS is linked to an increased risk of heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure, and obesity in women.


Women with PCOS usually begin to experience symptoms in adolescence, which are pretty noticeable.


They develop abdominal weight gain, excessive hair growth on the body, facial hair growth, and acne at a young age.


"Because PCOD does not produce as much male hormone as PCOS, the symptoms are less noticeable and occur less frequently," explains Dr. Hrishikesh Pai, a renowned gynecologist in Mumbai.


Last but not least


PCOS and PCOD are diseases that affect our ovaries and hormones, but they are not the same. PCOS is more severe than PCOD, but both can be treated if caught early.


If you are experiencing excessive hair growth, irregular periods, or lower abdominal pain, you should seek medical advice.


A healthy diet and exercise routine can help control the symptoms of PCOS and PCOD and improve hormonal imbalances.