Here Is Chicha Charles The Viral Instagrammer whose Telugu Reels Are Best To Watch

Chicha charles

How does it feel? When someone from another country comes and tries to speak in your language. It's cool right! Recently a guy named Charle's Instagram reels have been doing rounds on social media. Chicha is a swear word in telugu! Many of us use it in our day to day lives, this Uganda resident's username on Instagram is Chicha Charles. He lives in Hyderabad who started doing reels on trending telugu songs, at one point of time his reels connected well to the reel lovers due to his Humour and singing.

Now, he has become so famous for his reels and has even got an opportunity to participate in a few programmes in Zee Telugu, Maa Tv and also the evergreen ETV.

Lately he was seen in a "Bonalu 2021 song released by singer Mangli" also he was seen in a small conversation with RGV. This is a good sign for Charles as he is getting busy on the mini screen.

Now, let's watch a few Reels of Charle videos which are trending on instagram.

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