Top 15 Greatest Wrestlers Of All Time


1. Stone Cold Steve Austin

steve austin

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Career: Stone Cold Steve Austin is arguably the most popular wrestler ever to step into the ring. His numerous World title reigns and pivotal role in WWF's victory during the Monday Night Wars make him a first-ballot Hall of Famer. (10/10)


   Look: Austin perfectly embodied the "Stone Cold" persona, a beer-swilling redneck with an unyielding toughness that was genuinely convincing. (8/10)


   In-ring: Austin's hard-hitting style and his ability to tell compelling stories in the ring led to memorable matches against legends like Bret Hart and the Rock. (8/10)


   Mic Skills: Austin's career-changing promos, especially the iconic "Austin 3:16" moment, catapulted him to superstardom. His microphone prowess remained unmatched throughout his career. (9/10)


   Marketability: Steve Austin rivaled Hulk Hogan in mainstream popularity, defining the "Attitude Era" and setting record-breaking pay-per-view buy-rates and TV ratings. (10/10)


   Total: 45/50

2. The Undertaker


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Career: The Undertaker boasts the longest-serving career in WWE and has remained a top draw for over two decades, spanning multiple eras. (10/10)


   Look: The "Dead Man" character, embodied by Mark Calloway, with his imposing presence and dark features, was a perfect fit for the role. (10/10)


   In-ring: Despite his size, The Undertaker displayed remarkable athleticism and delivered classic matches with Shawn Michaels and Bret Hart, showcasing his artistry. (8/10)


   Mic Skills: While not known for his mic skills, The Undertaker's mystique and the fan reaction when the gong hit were unmatched. (6/10)


   Marketability: The Undertaker remained a massive attraction, especially during his rivalries with icons like Hulk Hogan and Stone Cold Steve Austin. (10/10)


   Total: 44/50

3. Hulk Hogan

   Career: "Hulkamania" defined the 1980s, with Hulk Hogan drawing more money than anyone else in the wrestling business. (10/10)


   Look: Hogan's iconic tanned physique, long golden hair, and bulging arms made him the ideal superhero for fans and a champion for McMahon. (10/10)


   In-ring: Hogan's limited in-ring skills were often overshadowed by his opponents, relying on their talents to carry the matches. (5/10)


   Mic Skills: Hogan's charisma and memorable promos made him a role model and a pop culture icon. (8/10)


   Marketability: Hogan's portrayal of the All-American hero battling foreign villains made him a beloved face and an ideal spokesperson for the WWF. (10/10)


   Total: 43/50

4. Ric Flair

   Career: Ric Flair, with 16 World championships and over 40 years in the spotlight, solidified his status as a main event draw. (10/10)


   Look: Flair's blonde hair and natural arrogance complemented his "Nature Boy" character, the extravagant and cocky superstar. (8/10)


   In-ring: Flair's technical skills were evident, but some criticized his matches for lacking psychology and storytelling. Nevertheless, classics with the likes of HBK, Steamboat, Funk, and Race stand out. (8/10)


   Mic Skills: Flair elevated the importance of the microphone, delivering world-class promos throughout his career. (10/10)


   Marketability: While not a pop culture icon like Hogan, Flair's popularity and feuds drew significant attention to wrestling. (7/10)


   Total: 43/50

5. Randy "Macho Man" Savage

   Career: Savage's charisma, intense in-ring style, and long reigns as WWF and Intercontinental Champion solidified his place among the greats. (8/10)


   Look: Savage's colorful attire, raspy voice, catchphrase "oh yeah," and flamboyant persona endeared him to fans. (8/10)


   In-ring: Savage delivered unforgettable matches, including the WrestleMania III classic, showcasing storytelling and athleticism. (8/10)


   Mic Skills: Savage's memorable promos and ability to connect with feuds, especially with Hogan, made him a standout. (9/10)


   Marketability: Savage's feuds, particularly with Hogan, contributed to his pop culture icon status and made him a major draw. (9/10)


   Total: 42/50

6. The Rock

   Career: The Rock's career, while relatively brief, featured a transformation from Rocky Maivia to a global superstar. (7/10)


   Look: The "Brahma Bull" possessed a muscular, star-worthy physique, exuding a champion's aura. (8/10)


   In-ring: A third-generation superstar, The Rock's wrestling training and charisma allowed him to deliver show-stealing matches. (8/10)


   Mic Skills: The "most electrifying man in sports entertainment" shone with catchphrases, charisma, and quick wit, becoming one of the greatest talkers in history. (10/10)


   Marketability: The Rock's explosive return and enduring fan love demonstrate his lasting appeal and marketability. (9/10)


   Total: 42/50

7. "Rowdy" Roddy Piper

   Career: Piper never won the WWF title but excelled as both a top heel and a babyface Intercontinental Champion. (8/10)


   Look: While not physically imposing, Piper's inner drive and passion made him a star. (7/10)


   In-ring: Piper was exceptional on the mic and highly skilled in the ring, a rare combination. (8/10)


   Mic Skills: Piper's classic promos in his signature raspy tones solidify his status as an all-time great. (10/10)


   Marketability: Piper's charisma and ability to draw as a top heel in feuds with Hogan and others played a pivotal role. (8/10)


   Total: 41/50

8. Shawn Michaels

   Career: From revolutionizing tag teams with the Rockers to becoming the greatest worker of all time, Shawn Michaels had a Hall of Fame career. (10/10)


   Look: Despite being initially seen as too scrawny for a main event, Michaels eventually proved himself as a top star. (6/10)


   In-ring: The "Showstopper" delivered numerous 5-star matches and excelled even in his 40s, demonstrating his in-ring prowess. (10/10)


   Mic Skills: Michaels' charisma and ability to adapt to various characters made him an effective talker. (8/10)


   Marketability: While not initially sold as a champion, Michaels earned respect and admiration later in his career. (6/10)


   Total: 40/50

9. Bret "the Hitman" Hart

   Career: Bret

 Hart was a five-time WWF Champion and a cornerstone of the 1990s. (8/10)


   Look: While not physically imposing, Bret's trademark sunglasses and pink and black attire added to his iconic "Hitman" character. (7/10)


   In-ring: Bret Hart's in-ring work consistently produced classics and contributed to the WWF's image during the steroid scandal. (10/10)


   Mic Skills: Bret struggled on the mic and never came across as a natural talker. (7/10)


   Marketability: Hart was immensely popular worldwide, with his sunglasses and merchandise selling well. (8/10)


   Total: 40/50

10. Sting

    Career: Sting's career, spanning three decades, included multiple World Championships and a significant impact in WCW and TNA. (9/10)


    Look: Sting's dark face-painted look gave him a mystique comparable to The Undertaker. (8/10)


    In-ring: Sting's matches in WCW's main events showcased his exceptional in-ring talents. (8/10)


    Mic Skills: While his eerie promos intrigued fans, his recent mic work in TNA left room for improvement. (7/10)


    Marketability: Sting's role in rivalries with NWO and Hulk Hogan made him a key player during WCW's peak. (8/10)


    Total: 40/50

11. Triple H

    Career: Triple H's Hall of Fame career included 13 World titles, contributions to the "Attitude Era," and headlining multiple WrestleManias. (9/10)


    Look: Triple H's imposing presence and battle-hardened appearance contributed to his status as a top star. (8/10)


    In-ring: While not a sensational worker, Triple H consistently delivered good to decent matches and could adapt to various styles. (7/10)


    Mic Skills: Triple H's character, a reflection of his true self, allowed him to express himself naturally and adapt to different personas. (8/10)


    Marketability: Triple H's long tenure and involvement in top storylines during the "Attitude Era" contributed to his crowd-drawing abilities. (8/10)


    Total: 40/50

12. Chris Jericho

    Career: Chris Jericho, the first Undisputed Champion of the WWE, had a successful return run as the top heel in the company. (8/10)


    Look: Jericho's diverse appearances matched his "Ayatollah of Rock 'N Rollah" persona, with eccentric hairstyles and outfits. (7/10)


    In-ring: Jericho's ability to steal the show with great matches and adapt to different styles made him a valuable asset. (8/10)


    Mic Skills: Jericho's mic skills, whether as a cocky heel or the "best in the world at what he does," were exceptional. (9/10)


    Marketability: Jericho's feuds with top stars like Shawn Michaels, The Rock, Austin, and Triple H contributed to his lasting appeal. (8/10)


    Total: 40/50

13. Kurt Angle

    Career: Kurt Angle's transition from Olympic champion to WWE star led to six World titles and a significant role in TNA's growth. (8/10)


    Look: Angle's intense demeanor, impressive build, and Olympic background gave him the appearance of a pro wrestling champion. (8/10)


    In-ring: Angle's transition from Olympic wrestling to WWE's style was seamless, resulting in memorable matches with Lesnar and Michaels. (9/10)


    Mic Skills: While his promo skills improved, Angle's charisma wasn't on par with his in-ring talent. (7/10)


    Marketability: Angle's credibility as an All-American hero and his ability to draw fans as both a hero and a narcissistic heel contributed to his success. (8/10)

14. Edge

    Career: The Rated R Superstar's 11 world titles and numerous tag titles cemented his status as a main event star. (9/10)


    Look: Edge's rock-star appearance and sadistic nature added to his character's appeal. (8/10)


    In-ring: Edge's contributions to tag team wrestling and his technical proficiency showcased his wrestling prowess. (8/10)


    Mic Skills: Edge excelled on the mic, particularly as a heel, making fans genuinely despise him. (8/10)


    Marketability: While he was hated as a heel, Edge's marketability dipped during his babyface runs and angles. (7/10)

15. John Cena

    Career: Cena's 10 WWE Championships and his role as the company's face made him a top star and drew significant attention. (8/10)


    Look: Cena's genetics and strength helped establish him as a credible, larger-than-life wrestler. (8/10)


    In-ring: Cena's predictable style and explosive comebacks have sometimes affected the realism of his matches. (6/10)


    Mic Skills: Cena's charisma and natural mic abilities, despite occasional corniness, made him a compelling talker. (9/10)


    Marketability: Cena's merchandise sales and appeal to a child-friendly PG audience solidified his status as a marketable hero. (9/10)

This ranking provides a comprehensive evaluation of the top 15 greatest wrestlers of all time, assessing their careers, looks, in-ring skills, mic skills, and marketability, each on a scale of 10.




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