Names Of Top 8 Planets In Hindi & English

Exploring the Celestial Diversity: Unveiling the Names of the Top 8 Planets in Hindi and English
Names Of Top 8 Planets In Hindi & English

The vast expanse of our solar system is home to a fascinating array of celestial bodies, with eight prominent planets orbiting the Sun. These planets, each possessing unique characteristics, have captured the curiosity and imagination of astronomers and space enthusiasts alike. In this article, we will explore the names of these top eight planets in both Hindi and English.

All Planets Name List in Hindi and English - ग्रहों के नाम

  1. Mercury (Budh / मेर्क्यूरी): The closest planet to the Sun, Mercury is known for its extreme temperatures, swinging between scorching heat and freezing cold. In Hindi, it is called Budh, named after the swift-footed messenger of the gods in Hindu mythology.

  2. Venus (Shukra / शुक्र): Venus, often referred to as Earth's "sister planet," shares a similar size and composition. It is the second planet from the Sun and is known as Shukra in Hindi, named after the bright and beautiful deity in Hindu mythology.

  3. Earth (Prithvi / पृथ्वी): Our home planet, Earth, is the only known celestial body to support life. In Hindi, it is named Prithvi, derived from the Sanskrit word meaning "the vast one" or "the unconquerable one."

  4. Mars (Mangal / मंगल): Known as the "Red Planet" due to its rusty surface, Mars has intrigued scientists with the possibility of past or present life. In Hindi, it is called Mangal, named after the god of war in Hindu mythology.

  5. Jupiter (Brihaspati / बृहस्पति): As the largest planet in our solar system, Jupiter is a gas giant with a strong magnetic field. In Hindi, it is named Brihaspati, after the benevolent teacher and guru in Hindu mythology.

  6. Saturn (Shani / शनि): Saturn, recognized for its stunning ring system, is the sixth planet from the Sun. In Hindi, it is called Shani, named after the god of time and justice in Hindu mythology.

  7. Uranus (Arun / अरुण): Uranus is an ice giant with a unique feature – it rotates on its side. In Hindi, it is named Arun, inspired by the personification of the dawn in Hindu mythology.

  8. Neptune (Varun / वरुण): Neptune, the farthest known planet in our solar system, is a distant ice giant. In Hindi, it is called Varun, named after the god of the oceans in Hindu mythology.


The names of the top eight planets in both Hindi and English reveal a fascinating blend of scientific exploration and cultural influences. As we continue to unlock the mysteries of the universe, these planetary names serve as a testament to the rich tapestry of human understanding, connecting ancient myths with modern astronomical discoveries.




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