Top 7 Dogs Under INR 2000 In India

Every breed of dog has its own uniqueness and skills. Everyone likes to buy dogs that are affordable. So to make your task easier, In this article, we will discuss the Top 7 Dogs Under INR 2000 in India.
Indian Gaddi- This breed of dog is found in the home state of Himachal Pradesh in the Western Himalayas. It is also the most versatile breed of dogs which was originally developed for hunting. The best thing about them is that they have enough intelligence to herd the escaped sheep & goats back into their enclosure. The cost of an Indian Gaddi dog is around 1500- 2000 INR.
Mastiff - This unique species of dog first appeared in the Tehri Garhwal region of Uttarakhand. These dogs are available within the range of 1500-1800 INR. These dogs were first put to use in the herding of tak and sheep by the locals.
Bakharwal Dog - This is a native dog breed in the Himalayas. They were originally developed to ward off predators such as bears and wolves. They cost around 1500-2000 INR.
Himalayan Sheep Dog - This breed of dog originated from the Ladakh and the Uttarakhand regions of India. It is a very loyal, strong, and docile breed of dog. For them, their master as well as their family are very important. They cost around 1500-1800 INR.
Pariah Dog- It is one of the healthiest breeds of dogs. They also get Voluntary support from many Urban animal shelters and non-profit organizations. The cost of Pariah Dogs is around 1000-1500 INR.
Dalmatian Dogs - These dogs are active canines who are very suitable for guard duty because of their intelligence and alertness. They cost around 1900- 2000 Rs.
Pomeranian- It is a very popular and cheapest little dog in India. This breed of dog is found within 2000 INR. The best thing about them is that they can adjust very easily to the local conditions.
So, these are the top 7 dogs under Rs 2000 in India.