Europe – Visit Finland

Not many people would consider Finland as one of their main holiday locations, but we’re here to convince you otherwise! Finland is exotic, unique and has a kind of culture you’re not going to find anywhere else in the world.
Europe – Visit Finland

Not many people would consider Finland as one of their main holiday locations, but we’re here to convince you otherwise! Finland is exotic, unique and has a kind of culture you’re not going to find anywhere else in the world.

This article is all about Finland, and what you should expect if you ever find yourself having a vacation there!


Arriving & Few Other Things

 Ok, let’s assume you’ve now decided to take a trip to Finland. This means that you’re most likely going to land in Helsinki, which is the capital of Finland. Helsinki is most likely your travel destination as well, as it’s the center of culture, where many foreigners come to spend their holidays.


When you first enter Finland, you’re going to land on Helsinki Airport. From there, we’ll recommend you’ll take a taxi to your accommodation. Taxi’s aren’t the cheapest form of travel in Finland, but they are safe and reliable. Every single taxi has a counter that shows you at all times what the trip is going to cost, and there is no way manipulating that. From Helsinki Airport to city center, it’s about 30 €. Everyone basically speaks english in Finland (not very well, but still enough to communicate), so you shouldn’t face any problems with that.


Oh btw, if the Finn isn’t talking to you, or even saying “hi”, that’s just because how they are! Finnish people are usually somewhat introverts, and they are just naturally being cautious to people who are clearly foreigners. There’s no bigger meaning behind that, it’s just going to take time to convince a finnish person that you are ok!


What Now?


You’ve done your research about Finland, and you’ve read a lot about the beautiful nature. But how am I going to see the nature if I go to Helsinki, the capital?! Don’t you worry, Helsinki is actually a city near the sea, which makes it unique to foreigners. There are +500 000 people living in Helsinki, but still you’ll be able to spend time in the nature, completely by yourself if you want to. Not many metropolitan cities can say they have the same!


You can explore Helsinki by taxi, or by subway – both are valid options. It’s basically 30 mins to whatever direction you want to go, and you’ll be there. Forests, lakes, rivers – everything is basically within 30 min radius. There are several old cities and towns surrounding Helsinki, that are worth visiting if you have the time. Porvoo, Sipoo, Kirkkonummi – just to name a few.


The good thing about Helsinki is the fact that if you just want to relax and spend time at your hotel and near it, you are welcome to do that! Center of Helsinki is filled with hundreds of bars, nightclubs, restaurants, theaters, etc.


Some even say, it’s like winning in Indian lottery when you first visit Finland!


What To Eat?


While Finland isn’t the most famous for its culinary extraordinaire, the country still has pretty good traditional foods they are usually proudly serving to foreigners. One of their specialty is a reindeer meat, that can be used virtually with anything. Hot Dogs, hamburgers, pizza, steak, pasta – you can eat reindeer in any shape or form. Reindeers only live in the northern parts of Finland, where eating them is completely natural.


If you don’t feel like eating reindeers, you’re always welcomed to test out the tens of high quality vegetarian restaurants, located in the middle of Helsinki. Make sure you reserve your table beforehand though, as these restaurants are extremely popular during the tourist season. Just check out tripadvisor or similar service, and you’ll be able to find whatever cuisine you’re looking that night!


When in Rome


Well we’re not in Rome, but you know how the saying goes. We’re now in Helsinki, and there are few things you should know before you go there.


  • It’s optional to leave a tip in restaurants. Only leave tip if the food and service was good. Good amount to leave is about 5-10% from the total amount of the bill


  • Taxis are reliable, and they do not try to scam you


  • Nightclubs and bars are usually open until 4am


  • The national emergency number is 112


  • People in Finland are introverts, and it will take time to earn their trust, don’t get discouraged if your new finnish friend won’t immediately talk to you!


And finally…. always remember to respect the rules and codes provided by the country your visiting. People in Finland are unique, and they will respect you and your culture, if you do the same to them. Have fun!

Disclaimer: This article is part of a partnered content series