Top 10 Scariest Things In The World In 2022
Today in this article I am sharing with you some of the scariest things in the world!! Scroll Down!!
Top 10 Scariest Things In The World
1. Drugs
Drugs are the scariest and deadliest things in the world. Consuming Cocaine and Digoxin can have a death risk of over 20 %.
2. Gympie Gympie
This is a type of plant that may look like a normal bush but can be very dangerous.
3. Biological Weapons
We have seen movies like The Rain and Contagion. There we saw how dangerous biological weapons can be!! Many deaths in a short time.
4. Brain-Eating Amoeba
Brain-Eating-Amoeba sounds creepy right!! These can be found in lakes, ponds, and untreated pools or wells.
5. Box Jellyfish
Box Jellyfishes are deadly water monsters. I know it's hard to believe that a jellyfish can also be harmful to humans.
6. Meteoroid
Do you know what is meteoroid? Well, meteoroids are small rocky or metallic bodies in outer space. We have seen in many movies how dangerous can be a natural disaster. Very Dangerous!!
7. Nuclear Weapons
In history, we have read about world wars. The Nagasaki and Hiroshima incident still gives me a shock. Nuclear weapons are the most dangerous and powerful thing in the world.
8. Cursed Objects
Cursed objects are the type of objects that brings bad luck. It can be a cursed mirror, a doll, or a painting.
9. Radioactive Waste
Radioactive waste is a type of hazardous waste that contains radioactive material. Over 440 operating nuclear power plants and industries produce radioactive wastes but there is no answer to the waste problem.
10. Insects
Insects are smaller and you know you can mash them with a single press. But still, they are one of the creepiest things in the world. Insects like Fero ants, Dust mites, Bed bugs, spiders, House centipedes, etc.