Blind Item(DNA) – Just Going Around – 19th Nov

This heroine & her filmmaker are hooking up. But it's nothing serious, they're just going around. Can you guess the celebs DNA is talking about?
Blind Item(DNA) – Just Going Around  – 19th Nov

DNA has published a blind item about an actor hooking up with a filmmaker. But they are not serious. They are just going around. It is a no strings attached relationship.

She was launched by a producer, who barely managed to escape being outed in the #MeToo movement. We leave it to our readers to guess whether this actor had to compromise with the producer to land her debut opposite a star kid. Luckily her debut was a hit. She has since starred in another hit & has several promising projects lined up. The actor whom she was dating turned out to be a complete pervert. He used to cheat on her & even physically abuse her(click here to read more). She put up with this behaviour for months. But when news of her beau trying to get too touchy with his co-star & her complaining to her parents, reached her ears she called their relationship off.

She has since been rumored to have a hooked up with a greek god & is now hooking up with her filmmaker. As all actors will tell you, it is never a bad idea to hook up with a director.

Blind Item

A filmmaker & the heroine of his next are apparently more than just good friends. industry sources are gup-shupping about how the two are spending abundant time with each other after she broke up with her actor beau.More so, since she & her ex worked together in the filmmaker’s earlier project, during the making of which the two got into a relationship. However our source says there is nothing serious between the heroine & the filmmaker, even thought hey have been spotted together a number of times. He’s a married man & they’re just going around, with no strings attached.

Our Guess

Filmmaker: Dinesh Vijan
Heroine: Kriti Sannon


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