Blind Item(Mumbai Mirror) – Flights Sponsorship – 18th Sept

This star couple was looking for a flights sponsorship deal on their recent trip abroad. Can you guess the celebs Mumbai Mirror is talking about?
Blind Item(Mumbai Mirror) – Flights Sponsorship – 18th Sept

Mumbai Mirror has published a blind item, about a star couple whose managers wanted to strike a flights sponsorship deal with magazine publications.

Every bollywood loving male dreams of marrying a movie star. But little do they know about the heroine’s tantrums & high maintenance ways. In the case of stars mentioned in the blind item, even the Nawab went broke paying the bills of his wife!(click here to read more). He has inherited tons of money & has earned well for himself. But even all that money ain’t enough for the upkeep of his wife & kid.

Firstly, it doesn’t behove a Nawab to ask for free/sponsored tickets. He used to even dance at weddings for cash, before his parents made their disapproval clear. Thankfully, he has stopped dancing at weddings since then. When Nawabs lack class, how can you expect it from commoners?

Blind Item
THIS star couple was recently all over social media, pumping photos into the ether that showed them having a great time at a beach resort abroad. But, before they left, their managers, it is said, got in touch with a few fashion magazines. They wanted to know if the mags would be keen on shooting the couple who were off to so-and-so destination for a vacay. When the publications evinced an interest in the offer, they were asked to arrange for the sponsorship of flight tickets and stay of not just the couple but also their extended family. The total count was 18 people. No wonder, none of the mags took up the managers on their offer.

Our Guess:
Star Couple: Kareena & Saif Ali Khan
Extended Family: Soha & Kunal Khemmu

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