Blind Item(Mumbai Mirror) – Grand Spat – 16th Jan

Mumbai Mirror has published a blind item about a grand spat between two of the country’s most famous lovers.
He has no qualms in stealing other people’s GF’s, but can’t tolerate to see other men getting close to his GF! Case of classic hypocrisy. We have often wondered about the genuineness of their affair considering both are so vocal about it. Their families too don’t shy away from speaking about their affair. Some reports say that they may get engaged this year & get married sometime next year. So you can rest assured that their relationship with be in the news till their movie together releases during Christmas this year. Expect such stories every week till their movie releases. We have a problem trusting rumors of any affair which emanates from the production house funding their current project together. The head honcho’s most used trick to plant stories of an affair between his leading stars to garner publicity. One south indian superstar outed him on his chat show for planting fake affair rumors recently.
Don’t you guys think it is too much of a coincidence that the BF used to date the gregarious hero’s GF at one point of time. Is it his way of getting back at the young heartthrob BF for all those instances of getting too close to his then GF & now wife(click here to read more)?
Blind Item
WHISPERS have been doing the rounds about a grand spat between two of the country’s most famous lovers. A video has emerged of the lovebirds, both actors, and it shows the lady wiping a stray tear even as her boyfriend puts his arm around her. We hear the two sparred over the lady’s upcoming film and its gregarious hero. Mr Gregarious was being a bit too sociable with the lady in front of the boyfriend, and that didn’t go down too well with him. Well, we’ve seen personal and professional jealousies break up too many relationships here, but mostly (and thankfully), female actors aren’t getting bogged down by bossy boyfriends anymore.
Our Guess
Famous Lovers: Alia Bhatt & Ranbir Kapoor
Gregarious Hero: Ranveer Singh