Guess Who – This Star Is Always Almost Broke

This talented actor is always almost broke because of his lavish lifestyle. Can you guess the celebs Pinkvilla is talking about?
Guess Who – This Star Is Always Almost Broke

Pinkvilla has published a blind item about a star who is always almost broke due to his lavish lifestyle.

He was born into a royal family. He has inherited property worth crores after her father’s death. He got married at a very young age to an older woman – an actress & divorced him several years later. While he stuck by her when he wasn’t a big star, he was thrown out of his marital home after he was caught cheating. It is rumored that his wife was a very controlling woman. While, that doesn’t justify him cheating on her, one must admit that relationships are complex. He once admitted to going almost broke paying for his alimony & was staying in a 1BHK with his then italian GF. But luckily for him, his career soared like never before & he was able to afford a lavish lifestyle again.

But his relationship with the italian didn’t work out. After a few flings he dated & married a top actress. This top actress is one shrewd woman. She has a manipulative, gold digging mother. The mother made her dump her then actor-BF for this much richer actor of royal lineage. She is shrewd not to spend any of her own money but to bleed her husband dry by making him pay her bills for lavish parties, domestic helps(the nanny’s salary will make you cry), expensive jewellery, vacations abroad etc. Things have reached a point where the husband has to call up media outlets asking them to sponsor their trip in exchange for exclusive pics. While one might think they live a charmed life, seems like it is only the wife & her mother who are living it up at the nawab’s expense. He should have followed the age old advice of “marrying a gal who spends lesser than what you earn”.

Luckily for him his daughter has made a mark for herself & looks like she will be around for quite sometime to come. But his ex-wife is unlikely to relieve him from his hefty alimony payments anytime soon.

Blind Item

The highly talented actor, who had been sitting at home, after his period drama crashed at the box-office, a few years ago, has been signing web series by the dozen. He was one of the first stars to hop on to the digital bandwagon which has proved to be a successful stint for him. He loves it too, as they offer him quirky roles and plenty of moolah to keep up with his lavish lifestyle. He doesn’t sign too many movies and the current ones he has, are taking their own time to get completed. The actor in question, is said to have very little money because of his lavish lifestyle and what he has runs out almost as soon as he gets it. Probably one of the reasons he had a fallout with one of his partners and broke up after that.

The actor has bought property worth crores and loves his wine, cheese and champagne dinners, and expensive holidays at foreign locations. His actress wife loves them too, but she likes to control her purse strings and makes sure that he gets to spend his money on both of them, while hers remain intact. He is a spender and likes to lavish money and expensive gifts to people, including his beautiful wife.

The actor had a small fortune tucked away somewhere a few years ago, but money does not last forever and he tends to spend more than he has. In recent years, while both husband and wife have been seen holidaying at exotic resorts, few know that most of them are sponsored vacays for magazine or brand shoots (arranged by the actress’s media teams who are often known to accompany them too). A recent holiday in a European city was also apparently sponsored because the actor was shooting there and took his family along. The actress is said to have acted in the movie too, so the producer doesn’t mind the sponsorship as it’s a great combination.

Bollywood folks say because he requires money now, is the reason why he is signing so many web series all of a sudden. When the actor’s tidy little fortune was lying at the bank, he had stopped signing movies but after it finally ran out, he had to start doing work. After signing a couple of movies, he struck gold at the digital medium and since then there’s been no looking back.

His wife too has been looking for work but is extremely picky about her choices. Many a top producer has approached her but has been shown the door because their script or banner didn’t live up to her expectations. She wants to work only in the best of banners – which include her friends. Her fee is high so she hasn’t signed too many movies and her brand endorsements are fizzling out as she’s being replaced by younger actresses. But they make a doting family when they step outside their homes.

Jodi ho toh aisi…

Our Guess

Actor: Saif Ali Khan

Wife: Kareena Kapoor


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