Guess Who(Hollywood) – A-list Hollywood Actor Is Unable To Remember Lines

This A+list hollywood star aint acting anymore as he can't remember his lines. Can you guess the celeb is talking about?
Guess Who(Hollywood) – A-list Hollywood Actor Is Unable To Remember Lines

Crazydaysandnights has published a blind item about an A-list actor who is unable to remember his lines while acting for movies.

This actor mentioned in the blind item has been part of hollywood’s A-list for ages. He was known for his acting talents. He excelled in quirky or villainous roles during his prime. He later went on to star in several romantic comedies as well. He was one part of a triumvirate which was known to be big womanizers. These three actors were neighbours! It was a running joke that any pretty woman who wanders to their neighbourhood would be in trouble. These actors were known to organize orgies where drugs & alcohol flowed freely.

He once claimed in a interview that he has never bought a condom, despite having bedded tons of women. He claimed to have dated women in the age group of 21 to 69. He is rumored to have had built a tunnel which had direct access to a legendary party man’s house, which was filled with beautiful women!

Blind Item

This permanent A+ list mostly movie actor who doesn’t act any longer, is unable to do so because he can’t remember lines any longer. He spends most of his days trying to get his housekeepers to have sex with him.

Our Guess

A+ List Actor: Jack Nicholson