Kasthuri Shankar’s Anger on Ajith’s Fans

Kasthuri is facing a lot of dirty comments and harassment on twitter.She blames Ajith fans for it and asks Ajith to take action against it.Read the article to more details.
Kasthuri and Ajith
Kasthuri was once a versatile actress who appeared in Tamil, Telugu and Malayalam films. She was also known for her beauty, winning miss Madras 1992 pageant. Recently she entered Big Boss Tamil 3 through wild card entry.
She is known for her bold way of talking. Whereas Ajith is one of the most loved Tamil actors. He built his career in the Tamil film industry from nowhere to a star. He gained love and respect from many Tamilians as well as south Indians from other states.
Bad comments about Kasthuri
so many likes for that horrible tweet. See the names of these fellows. Easy to guess what the common factor is. When entire world is thinking of coronavirus crisis, this is what you guys do sitting at home.
Shame on all you #dirtyAjithFans #vicious pic.twitter.com/KBbTJ4Vg7h— Kasturi Shankar (@KasthuriShankar) March 24, 2020
Out of nowhere a person who calls himself Ajith’s fan made a dirty and sexist comment on Kasthuri Shankar. Kasthuri replied angrily, she said that if he wants a woman solely for sex then he should go to his mother or sister.
She meant that if he has to comment on any woman, he should first think about his mother and sister, before thinking about making bad comments on another woman.
She said,
For cows, heat would do and for men, words would do for shit-eating worms who prides himself as an Ajith’s fan and spoiling his name. If you want a woman for sex instead of going outside why don’t you ask your mother or sister?
How Did Ajith Get Involved
Although this is just between an actress and a normal person, some represented Ajith’s fans.
Kasthuri used a tag ‘#dirtyajithfans’ to counter strike it the fans of Ajith started using a tag, ‘#DirtyKasthuriAunty’.
Although this is sad that someone commented badly about her on twitter. Fans of Ajith felt that taking his name and representing the guy with Ajith’s identity did not make any sense. And also her tag points out every fan of Ajith with they felt to be incorrect and somehow that made all of them get united against Kasthuri who was the actual victim of the incident.
When a fan questioned her
After a while, Kasthuri shared screenshots of the comments and posts dotting her saying that she felt proud of Ajith’s fans for making bad comments and supporting each other in this bad deed instead of correcting it. She also said that this act of theirs proved how dirty they are.
A fan of Ajith questioned her how can she point out every fan of Ajith when it is only a particular person or group of people that made these comments about her. She replied saying that not everyone is like him and also used a tag ‘#respectfulajithfan’. She said that she is also a fan of Ajith and she said there are very fewer people like them.
Come on guys, you have to act. Do the people at twitter actually endorse such harassment? @TwitterIndia
And @SureshChandraa , Ajith Sir, Evvalavu naalaikku summaa irupeenga ? #ShameOnYou #DirtyAjithFans #vicious pic.twitter.com/BZW0uoNQ2y
— Kasturi Shankar (@KasthuriShankar) March 10, 2020
In another post of hers’s she called it harassment and questioned Ajith, how long is he gonna be silent about this?
Although there was no mistake or involvement of Ajith in any of these happenings he somehow got stuck in it.