Top 5 Skin Whitening Drinks at Home in 2022


We all know that fruits keep us healthy and everyone loves to eat fruits. But do everyone know that, Fruit Juices helps to keep the glow of our skin very easily. In general, everyone knows that fruits are very beneficial for our health and many people have included fruits in their diet after the meal.

In today’s busy world, it is not surprising that we go to work in the morning after having fruit juice for breakfast. People prefer to have the fruit juice instead of chewing it. It is a well- known fact that fruits are very useful for our skin as well.

Let’s have a look at some of the juices and how it benefits us:

  1. Ripe Papaya Juice

We all are well aware of the benefits that a papaya provides us. It is very nutritious for our health and is available almost every year and a half. The anti- aging properties of papaya helps to keep the glow of the skin. There is a enzyme called papain in papaya which does not allow the skin to damage. So everyday we must extract the juice from papaya and we may or may not mix with a little sugar and have it for our morning breakfast. It completes our morning healthy diet.

  1. Grape Juice

Grapes are rich in antioxidants and helps to clear up the acne. It is rich in Vitamin C which helps in formation of Collagen. Grapes are favourite of all as it is very easy to eat. There is no peeling or chopping required and you can have it at any time of the day. The juice can also be beneficial for reducing the aging of the skin.

  1. Apple Juice

Apple Juice are rich source of antioxidants which helps to reduce the wrinkles. Apples are very beneficial for the skin. It also helps to protect our skin tissues from damage and help new cells to grow. The copper, chlorine, zinc and magnesium in apples helps to brighten the skin. So take a glass of apple juice directly in the morning. The stomach will be full and skin will be good.

  1. Lemon Juice

This is my favourite of all..! The best solution to all my health problems. We all know that lemons are very rich in Vitamin C and no one can deny the benefits the Vitamin C provides. It cleanses the skin from the inside out and helps to tighten the skin. This results in brightening and radiation of skin and hence eliminates wrinkles. Lemon Juice helps in maintaining the Ph balance of the skin.

Two teaspoons of lemon juice in a glass of warm water including honey will give you the best result.

  1. Pineapple Juice

We are well aware that pineapple helps us to lose weight. But it is also very beneficial for our skin. Studies have shown that the alpha hydroxy acid in pineapple keeps the skin aging. The other benefits of the pineapple juice are that it helps to clean the blood and tighten the skin, removes the acne scars and blackheads.

Pineapple Juice with some black salt is the best combo.