Guess Who: This Actor’s Wife Has Been Putting Up A Facade

This actor’s wife has been putting up a facade of a happy marriage As per a tabloid, a movie star’s
Guess Who: This Actor’s Wife Has Been Putting Up A Facade

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This actor’s wife has been putting up a facade of a happy marriage

As per a tabloid, a movie star’s wife has been putting up a facade of a happy marriage for the past few years. She has been unhappy due to the alcoholism & philandering of her husband. She has been taking the help of healers & tarot card readers. The husband knows about this & promises to mend his ways. But his old habits cease to die.

While there aren’t many clues as to which couple this blind item is talking about, we think it is about this actor known for his coming timing & VJ wife. They were dancing partners who ended up becoming life-partners. They have kids together. But he has been rumored to have affairs. One affair several years back was with an actress who got divorced recently. It is rumored that this affair led to a lot of friction in the marriage. The actor eventually broke up with his actress-GF.

His alcoholism is the reason behind his weight issues. Audiences were aghast at how he had put on weight in the latest installment of a hit comedy franchise.

Him being reduced to starring in multi-hero comedy movies & not being considered for solo hero projects is the biggest reason behind his depression-induced alcoholism.

Can you guess the celebs we are talking about? Please drop a comment or DM us on Instagram/Twitter.

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