Top Movies with Great Cinematography till 2022

Everyone loves to watch movies and a beautiful cinematic experience is one in which we are not able to blink our eyes from the screens. The visually striking imaginary pictures which blends effortlessly with other aspects of film production – story, characters, sound design. Great Cinematography has the same dazzling effect on its audience which mesmerises their imagination and takes them to a completely different world.
Some of the most notable cinematography movies till 2022 are:
- The Aviator (2004)
Cinematographer: Robert Richardson
He made use of period lighting techniques and a distinct colour palette to capture each era of Hughes life. Hollywood is known for its different and advanced use of techniques in the movies to make it different of all. These technicolor graced many of the Hollywood films that were released in Hughes time.
- The Dark Knight (2008)
Cinematographer: DP Wally Pfister
His work is The Dark Knight is not just a sight to behold, but more importantly, helps tell the distressing tale of the master of chaos, The Joker. Wally hasn’t yet caved into the pressure of going digital.
- Slumdog Millionaire (2008)
Cinematographer: Anthony Dod Mantle
His contribution to cinematography was recognised in Oscars and his win was a major push towards digital film making as the large part of the film was shot digitally. The lightning and camera work involved are unfamiliar to most styles. The use of bright colours was exceptionally done and dynamic shadows gave a vibrant live to the characters.
- Legacy (2010)
Cinematographer: Claudio Miranda
The digital world has lighted and reflected the costumes that the characters were. Standard lights were replaced with evanescent fluorescents to create a futuristic look.