What is Bhastrika Pranayama? What are its benefits?


Something cannot be ignored, no matter what you do. For example, water, air and food borne illness cannot be ignored. Its natural. Rainy season is the favourite season of many. It brings a lot of fun, excitement and cool climate but along with it there are many illness that comes with it such as problems related to respiratory system and digestive system. Some common diseases are: dysentery, common cold and cough, asthma, nasal functions, digestion problems and skin allergies.

It is rightly said that prevention is better than cure. Few precautions we all should keep doing are:

  1. To protect ourself from unwanted diseases caused by rainy season, we must always keep a rain gear with us such as raincoat, umbrella, etc.
  2. Vitamin C intake should be increased in our meals as it is the solution to many.
  3. We must take warm bath and shower once after we return home specially when drenched to protect ourself from skin infections.
  4. During rainy season, we must eating roadside foods, juices and specially onion and potato pakodas.

Bhastrika Pranayama surges the flow of air into the body to produce the heat at both the physical and subtle level stoking the inner fire of mind and body. It helps to strengthen our immune system. This exercise must be followed regularly as it helps to remove the blockage from our nose and chest. It is best suited for asthmatic patients. Pranayama also helps to improve our appetite and digestion capacity.

The benefits of Bhastrika Pranayama are:

  1. It helps to improve our respiratory and digestive systems.
  2. This exercise helps to drain excess phlegm from the lungs.
  3. It oxygenates the increasing blood vitality of all the organs and tissues.
  4. Calms the mind.
  5. Energizes the entire body and mind.