How To Care For Sontakka Flower Sugandhi Plant

Sontakka Flower: A Fragrant Perennial Plant for Your Home Garden
sontakka Flower Sugandhi Plant



The Sontakka flower, also known as White Ginger Lily, is a delightful perennial plant that graces gardens with its intense fragrance and elegant white blooms. This article will provide you with a comprehensive guide on how to care for this beautiful plant, ensuring that it thrives in your home garden and rewards you with its stunning flowers.

Understanding the Sontakka Plant

White Ginger Lily Plant, Sontakka Plant | Nationbloom - Indi

The Sontakka flower is renowned for its captivating fragrance and is often referred to by various names, including Sugandhi Flower, Dolan Champa, and Camia Flower. It is a white flowering perennial that closely resembles ginger, particularly in the appearance of its bulb. Despite its many charms, it's worth noting that Sontakka plants can become invasive if left unchecked in the garden. Therefore, cultivating them in containers is a wise choice to prevent them from encroaching on other plants.

Creating the Ideal Growing Environment

To successfully cultivate Sontakka plants, it's crucial to replicate the natural conditions that they would experience in the wild. Let's explore the key factors to consider:

  1. Potting Soil: The foundation of Sontakka plant care lies in the quality of the potting soil. Create a well-balanced mixture by combining garden soil (30%), coco peat (40%), vermicompost (20%), sand (10%), and a tablespoon of fungicide to prevent fungal issues. Coco peat aids in moisture retention, which is vital for these plants.

  2. Sunlight: Sontakka plants thrive in sunlight and require 5-6 hours of daylight, preferably partial to direct sunlight. When initially planting the bulbs, keep them in the shade for the first 10-15 days, gradually introducing them to morning sunlight. After about 20-25 days, they can be permanently placed in a spot with direct sunlight. During scorching summer afternoons, it's advisable to provide some shade.

  3. Watering: Maintaining the right level of moisture in the soil is essential for Sontakka plants. During the summer months, ensure that the soil remains evenly moist. Watering in the morning and, if necessary, in the evening helps create a humid environment. Be cautious not to overwater, as excessive moisture can lead to root rot. In winter, the reduced evaporation rate means less frequent watering, but monitor the soil to keep it consistently moist.

  4. Fertilization: Sontakka plants are not heavy feeders, but a bit of nourishment can enhance their growth and flowering. Apply vermicompost or cow dung approximately once a month. During the flowering season, consider using an NPK (19:19:19) fertilizer to provide essential nutrients.

Addressing Non-Flowering Issues

Hedychium coronarium | Common name: Butterfly Ginger Lily, W… | Flickr

If your Sontakka plant isn't blooming as expected, it's essential to troubleshoot the issue:

  1. Inadequate Sunlight: Insufficient sunlight can hinder flowering. Ensure your plant receives bright indirect sunlight throughout the day.

  2. Fertilizer Deficiency: If your plant lacks nutrients, especially during the flowering season, consider using Diammonium phosphate (DAP), which is rich in nitrogen and phosphorus. Carefully apply DAP near the plant's roots and water it to dissolve the nutrients into the soil.


Caring for Sontakka plants can be a rewarding experience for garden enthusiasts. By providing the right growing conditions, such as well-draining yet moisture-retaining soil, adequate sunlight, proper watering, and occasional fertilization, you can enjoy the exquisite beauty and fragrance of these elegant white blooms. With this comprehensive guide, you'll be well-equipped to cultivate Sontakka plants and witness their captivating flowers grace your home garden. If you have any further questions or need additional guidance, feel free to ask in the comments. Happy gardening!