7 Easy Tips To Get Rid From Blanket Worm Insects

7 Simple Ways to Eliminate Blanket Worms from Your Garden
Gardens are invaded by blanket worms (wolly bear caterpillars or hairy caterpillars) every year during the monsoon season. These insects harm plants by consuming their leaves, particularly soft ones, and stems. Plants become leafless in extreme cases, resulting in stunted growth and decreased crop yields.
How Do Blanket Worms Inflict Damage?
Blanket worms attack plants largely by eating the soft stems and leaves. The top of the stem and the leaf is eaten, which arrests plant growth. Young plants and recently planted ones are easily harmed since they have not developed extensively.
Life Cycle of the Blanket Worm
The blanket worm life cycle starts quickly during the monsoon season. They deposit eggs on the underside of leaves, and in a few days, tiny pests hatch from the eggs. The pests develop rapidly and infest crops in huge numbers, which results in serious damage.
How to Save Plants from Blanket Worms
By taking action yourself, you can prevent your plants from being destroyed by blanket worms. These seven simple and efficient steps will help:
1. Check-up: Regularly check your garden and eliminate insects or eggs the moment you notice them.
2. Hand-picking: Put on gloves and pick caterpillars from plants manually. Dispose of them in a bucket of soapy water to destroy them.
3. Remove Infected Leaves: Remove infected leaves as soon as possible to avoid the risk of infection to other parts of the plant.
4. Neem Oil Spray: Mix neem oil with water and spray on infected plants. Neem oil inhibits the life cycle of the caterpillar and repels them.
5. Garlic or Chili Spray: Make a homemade spray by blending crushed garlic or chili with water. Strain and spray it on your plants to keep blanket worms away.
6. Remove Egg Clusters: Check the underside of leaves regularly for egg clusters and remove them to avoid future infestations.
7. Keep Your Garden Clean: Clear dead leaves, plant waste, or weeds from your garden on a regular basis, as they act as hiding places for caterpillars.
Precautions While Removing Blanket Worms
While removing blanket worms, avoid touching your skin since they also cause skin allergies, itching, and rashes.
By adopting these tips, you can control blanket worms naturally and successfully without harming your plants.