Top 10 Inspiring Indian Sports Women In 2023

"Breaking Barriers: Top  Inspiring Indian Sportswomen"
Sports woman
Women sports icons play a significant role in society by breaking barriers, inspiring future generations, and promoting gender equality. These women excel in their respective sports and contribute to several positive aspects of society.
Women sports icons challenge traditional gender stereotypes, proving that women can excel in physically demanding and competitive fields. Their success encourages societal acceptance of women in sports and promotes gender equality.


Women sports icons represent their countries on the international stage, fostering a sense of national pride and unity. Their victories contribute to a nation's sporting identity and global recognition.Top 10 sports woman are listed below-

 P. V. Sindhu

1. P.T.Usha
P.T. Usha, often referred to as the "Payyoli Express," is an iconic figure in Indian sports. Her illustrious career in track and field is marked by numerous accolades and groundbreaking achievements. She has won four Asian Games gold medals and seven silver medals, showcasing her dominance in sprinting and hurdling events. Usha's performance at the 1984 Los Angeles Olympics, where she narrowly missed a bronze medal in the 400m hurdles by just 1/100th of a second, remains etched in the annals of Indian sports history. Her dedication and perseverance have inspired generations of athletes, and her current role as the president of the Indian Olympic Association demonstrates her ongoing commitment to the development of sports in India. P.T. Usha continues to be a symbol of excellence and a source of pride for the nation.


 Mary Kom

2.Mary Kom
Mary Kom, also known as "Magnificent Mary," is a renowned Indian boxer and a living legend in the world of sports. She is a six-time world champion and an Olympic bronze medalist. Mary Kom's dedication and achievements in the field of boxing have made her an inspiration to aspiring athletes not just in India but around the globe. Her remarkable journey from a small village in Manipur to the pinnacle of international boxing has earned her numerous awards and accolades, including the Padma Bhushan and Padma Shri. Mary Kom's unwavering determination and passion for her sport continue to inspire people of all ages, and she remains a symbol of excellence in Indian sports.



P. V. Sindhu
P.V. Sindhu is a prominent Indian badminton player who has achieved remarkable success on the international stage. She gained worldwide recognition when she won the silver medal in women's singles badminton at the 2016 Rio Olympics, becoming the first Indian woman to achieve this feat. Sindhu has consistently performed at a high level in various tournaments and has secured multiple medals at World Championships, Asian Games, and Commonwealth Games. Her impressive skills, work ethic, and sportsmanship have made her a role model for aspiring athletes in India and beyond. Sindhu's contributions to Indian sports have earned her numerous awards and honors, including the Padma Bhushan and Rajiv Gandhi Khel Ratna Award.



Sports woman
4.Dipa Karmakar
Dipa Karmakar is a notable Indian gymnast who made history by becoming the first Indian female gymnast to qualify for the Olympics. She gained widespread recognition for her participation in the 2016 Rio Olympics, where she competed in the artistic gymnastics vault event. Dipa Karmakar's remarkable journey from a small town in Tripura to the global stage showcased her incredible talent and determination. She is known for attempting the challenging Produnova vault, a maneuver that very few gymnasts in the world can execute. While she narrowly missed a medal at the Olympics, her achievement in reaching the finals was a significant milestone for Indian gymnastics. Dipa Karmakar continues to be an inspiration for aspiring gymnasts in India and remains a celebrated figure in the country's sports landscape.



Hima Das
5.Hima Das
Hima Das, often referred to as the "Dhing Express," is a talented Indian sprinter who has made a significant impact in the world of athletics. She gained international recognition in 2018 when she won a gold medal in the 400m race at the IAAF World U20 Championships, becoming the first Indian woman to achieve this feat at a global track event. Hima Das has consistently performed well in various international competitions, including the Asian Games and Commonwealth Games.
Her rise in athletics has been remarkable, considering her background and the challenges she faced growing up in a small village in Assam. Hima's success has made her a role model for aspiring athletes in India, particularly in the field of sprinting. She has been recognized with several awards, including the Arjuna Award, for her outstanding contributions to Indian sports. Hima Das continues to inspire young athletes with her dedication and achievements on the track.


 Sakshi mailk

6.Sakshi Malik
Sakshi Malik is a notable Indian wrestler who gained widespread acclaim for her historic performance at the 2016 Rio Olympics. She became the first Indian female wrestler to win an Olympic medal by securing the bronze medal in the 58 kg freestyle wrestling category. Her victory was a groundbreaking moment for Indian wrestling and women in sports.


Sakshi Malik has also excelled in various other international wrestling competitions, including the Asian Wrestling Championships and Commonwealth Games, where she has won medals. Her dedication, determination, and achievements have made her a celebrated figure in Indian sports, and she continues to be an inspiration to aspiring wrestlers and athletes across the country.




7.Sania Mirza
Sania Mirza is a renowned Indian tennis player who has made significant contributions to the sport both nationally and internationally. She is widely regarded as one of the most successful and influential tennis players in India's history. Sania Mirza has achieved numerous milestones in her career, including reaching the world No. 1 ranking in women's doubles and winning six Grand Slam titles in women's and mixed doubles events.


Throughout her career, Sania Mirza has been a trailblazer for women's tennis in India, breaking barriers and inspiring many young athletes. She has received numerous awards and accolades, including the Padma Shri and Padma Bhushan, in recognition of her outstanding contributions to Indian sports. Off the court, she has been a role model and advocate for women's empowerment and sports development in India, making her a prominent and admired figure in both sports and society.


 Geeta phogat

8. Geeta Phogat
Geeta Phogat is a prominent Indian wrestler who, along with her sisters, has made a significant impact on the sport of wrestling in India. She is the daughter of wrestling coach Mahavir Singh Phogat and is renowned for her achievements in the sport. Geeta Phogat's journey gained national and international attention when it was portrayed in the Bollywood film "Dangal," which showcased her struggle and triumph in the male-dominated world of wrestling.
Geeta Phogat has won several medals in national and international wrestling competitions, including gold at the 2010 Commonwealth Games. Her dedication to wrestling and her groundbreaking achievements have inspired many young women in India to pursue sports and break gender stereotypes. She continues to be a respected figure in Indian wrestling and remains an inspiration to aspiring athletes.


 Dutee chand

9.Duyee Chand
Dutee Chand is an accomplished Indian sprinter who specializes in the 100 meters and 200 meters events. She is known for her remarkable achievements and for being one of India's top female sprinters. Dutee Chand gained international attention when she successfully challenged the International Association of Athletics Federations (IAAF) rules on hyperandrogenism in 2015, allowing her to continue competing.
She has represented India in various international competitions, including the Olympics and World Championships, and has won medals in events like the Asian Games and Asian Athletics Championships. Dutee Chand's resilience, talent, and her role in advocating for gender equality and LGBTQ+ rights have made her a respected figure in Indian athletics and a symbol of empowerment.



Deepa malik
10.Deepa Malik 
Deepa Mailk is a remarkable Indian para-athlete known for her outstanding achievements in para-athletics, particularly in shot put and javelin throw. She made history by becoming the first Indian woman to win a medal at the Paralympic Games. Deepa Malik won the silver medal in shot put at the 2016 Rio Paralympics, and her inspirational journey has earned her wide recognition.
Despite facing physical challenges due to a spinal tumor that left her paralyzed from the waist down, Deepa Malik pursued her passion for sports with unwavering determination. She has also excelled in various other para-sports events, winning numerous medals at national and international levels. Deepa Malik's achievements have not only brought honor to India but also served as an inspiration for people with disabilities, showcasing the power of resilience and determination. She continues to be an advocate for inclusivity and para-sports in India.



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